Saturday, December 20, 2008

'Tis the Season to be Merry

This time of year always takes me back. Growing up I remember Christmas always bringing an excitement that was unmatched any other time of the year. We spent lots of time with family decorating and preparing for the big day and always spent Christmas day traveling from house to house to be with family. My cousins and me searched department store catalogs for the perfect gift(s). Once found it was circled and initialed for Santa to find. Of course that was back when department store put out catalogs and actually sold toys. This year will be particularly special as Stac and I prepare to celebrate as parents for the first time. Although our little one is too young to remember we will begin new traditions and customs. One tradition that will remain is a viewing of one of my favorite movies. Although it isn't your traditional Christmas movie it does have the holiday theme.

Merry Christmas.

Monday, December 15, 2008

A Perfect Moment

I went into work for a few hours today with Kendyl in tow then it was home for a quick lunch and costume change before heading to Greenville for Christmas pictures with Emilie, Davis, and Barrett. I had not had anything to eat and, of course, I was running late. As I rushed down I-85, my mind was at full speed thinking of all I need to accomplish before Christmas. I took the Woodruff Road exit as another car was coming off the 385 ramp. I watched the car so I could merge in behind it. Suddenly, the car was coming directly towards me! The driver was out of control and the car was spinning across the lane I was in. I slammed on brakes, swerved, and thankfully, avoided the collision but I was quite shaken up. I took a deep breath and thanked the Lord for the angel that was watching over us.

Now it was time to tackle this photo shoot. I had tried to plan Kendyl's lunch and naps around our appointment so we might have a pleasant experience. We ended up sitting for 35 minutes before our session began (not helping my schedule at all). Kendyl did well initially but became impatient quickly. The photographer set up the next pose with a wicker bassinet for Kendyl to lay in. Davis, as sweet and excited as could be, knelt down next to it and said, "Hey Aunt Stac, this looks just like Jesus' manger." (Too Cute)

As I laid Kendyl in her 'manger,' she began to cry - HARD. I tried singing "He's Got the Whole World (in his hands)" to calm her but it didn't seem to be working. Then the sweetest thing happened..... Without being prompted, Emilie, Davis, and Barrett, in the softest voices, started singing with me. There Kendyl was, in her manger, surrounded by three angels who looked on adoringly as they sang about the good Lord holding them in His hands. It could not have been a more perfect moment.

I immediately forgot about my hectic day, my hunger, my almost collision, and my long 'to do' list. I soaked up as much of that moment as I could and will treasure it forever. Those children are truly God's gifts to us.

First time parent

For nine months its all you heard, "things will never be the same". It came from family, friends and even strangers. Every time the reaction was the same, a nod in agreement and a smile. Before our little one was born we had no idea how true those words would be. Then our lives were fairly, come home, catch-up on each other, have some dinner and usually entertained with some must see TV. There where nights when that routine was interrupted...a late night meeting or drinks with the guys but overall this is what we did. We enjoyed our lives, our only decisions were where to eat or what to do on Saturday night. Now our routine is no routine. Our little one is our only focus. Of course work is still there (for me anyway) but nothing else is the same and we wouldn't have it any other way. Since becoming parents eating dinner has become an after thought. Now, I get home spend time enjoying the little one and maybe eat in between feedings. I guess now we'll really learn the value of Tivo.

Friday, December 12, 2008

The Stocking

Every year about this time, I start decorating the house for Christmas. Each ornament is purposefully hung on the tree and each nic-nac is carefully placed on a shelf. I have always been quite particular about our tree and was insistent we found one that was the perfect shape and fullness. This sometimes required us to walk up many hills through the North Carolina mountains only to go back to the same tree so we could compare it to one we just looked at. All in good fun of course (although Kevin may have a different opinion).

This year would be no different... or so I thought. We tried a different tree farm in hopes that the perfect tree would be on that particular side of the mountain. The owner had apparently not planned to be open on this day so he was very anxious to send us on our way. To accomplish this, he followed us in his truck while we were on foot. He would often yell things from the truck's window like "you won't find anything up there, your best bet is to pick something from right here." I felt so rushed but looking back on it, it was quite humerous.

Kevin and I quickly spotted one tree that looked good on three sides and since the tree man had the chainsaw in hand, I agreed to adopt it. Honestly, I think he was going to load it on our car whether we wanted it or not. I wasn't all that satisfied with our selection, but under the circumstances, it was going to have to work. I believe I put more emphasis on the "perfect" tree this year becuase it is Kendyl's first Christmas and I want everything to be just right. The Christmas tree, for me, has always been where that starts.

We have spent the past few days unpacking boxes and decorating for Christmas. This, or course, includes getting out our stockings. I bought these for Kevin, Abby, and I five years ago when we were first married. A year later, I added a fourth (to match of course) for the baby we planned to have that Christmas. We never got to hang it. For the next 3 years, I unpacked that fourth stocking only to quickly pack it away again. It was always a reminder of little one that was still just a prayer in our hearts.

This year, when it came time to unpack our stockings, I didn't have to quickly pack one away. The tears that filled my eyes this time were that of complete joy. As I hung our four stockings, I realized our Christmas tree would be beautiful no matter the shape or size, no matter how many mountains we climb, and no matter how much time we spent picking it out. Our Christmas will be perfect because of the four stockings hanging from the mantle. Four stockings that represent more love and more answered prayers than one can imagine.