Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Day to Remember

Sometimes you have days when you look back you realize what a special day it really was. K and I had one of those days Wednesday. We didn't do anything special except spend time together. Our day started just as any other with breakfast and a little play time. Following a nap it was time for K to take her normal Wednesday bath. Bath-time is some what of a challenge right now in our house as K has outgrown her current baby tube but isn't actually big enough for the next step up, just another challenge to hurdle. As I was drying her off I was able snap a couple great pictures.

Following the bath it was time for another meal for K and then off to meet Stac at the doctors office for a round of immunizations. As usual K was a trooper. Even after a forty-five minute wait in the waiting room it was just a short crying spell after the stick and everything is good. I think the shots hurt Stac and I more than her. After lunch for Stac and I (then back to work for her)and a quick trip to Wally world for K and I it was back to the homestead. K and I enjoyed some more play time. K also continued to improve on her crawling and pulling up.

Like Stac says she sure is growing up fast...but it sure it fun watching it happen!


Kendyl has been slightly nosey since day one but now she has now taken it to the next level. Usually when she is in the crib, she can’t see us because of her bumper pads so we can move around without disturbing her. Well, yesterday, while she was supposed to be napping, I heard her talking in her crib. As I walked by her room, I saw her peeking through her crib at me! She was holding her bumper pad down so she could see. She had the biggest smile on her face and when I asked her what she was doing, she just started laughing. It was hysterical.

Of course, when Kendyl does something at home, it isn’t long before she tries it out on Michelle. This is a picture I got from Michelle this morning:

She had pulled herself up in her pack-n-play and in Michelle’s words, “I guess she wanted to see what exactly was going on around here!!!” She continues to amaze me.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

My First Mother's Day

What an amazing weekend! A good friend of mine told me that your first mother’s day will always be your favorite and I now see what she meant. Of course, celebrating with Kendyl was wonderful, but I am blessed to have loved ones in my life who made the day even more special.

I woke up Sunday morning to the sounds of Kendyl talking and playing in her crib. It was the most beautiful sound I ever heard. I spent time with Kendyl feeding her breakfast while Kevin was busy in the kitchen. He served me fresh strawberries and HOMEMADE French toast. It was delicious! Emilie, Davis, and Barrett called and, in unison, wished me a happy mother’s day. So cute! Kendyl and Kevin gave me sweet gifts which will always be dear to my heart. Although, it was the time we had together as a family that is still the best gift of all.

We went to church (the first time we have gone on mother’s day in several years) and Kendyl was a perfect angel. My parents made a surprise appearance at church and not only did I get to give my mom a mother’s day hug, but she got to give me one too! It was an amazing moment. After church, we had lunch at Billy D’s with my parents, Kevin’s parents, the Owens (both sets), and of course, Emilie, Davis, and Barrett. After lunch, we visited with Kevin’s extended family and his grandmother then it was off to my parents for dinner. Michelle, mommy, and I spent time together exchanging gifts and I will forever treasure my first mother’s day goodies. Thank you both for you thoughtfulness!

Throughout the day, I received text messages from loved ones wishing me a happy day. Even the most unexpected people let me know they were thinking of me. I am typically not one for attention, but the feelings of joy that Kendyl has brought, especially on a day like Sunday, is overwhelming. It is amazing to know how many other hearts she has touched.

I can’t help but think about those in my life who may have struggled on Sunday. Whether it is thoughts of a mother who has passed, a child they are separated from, or a child they may never have. I love you all dearly and my prayers are with you.

To Mommy and Michelle: Thank you for always being there for me. For offering to help with the 1,000 things I tend to have going on. For putting up with my constant phone calls to check on Kendyl. For offering guidance and support, regardless of the time of day or what you have going on in your lives. For being role models. You are amazing women! I treasure our girl’s lunches, shopping days, and pedicures and I look forward to many more! I love you both!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Quick Recap

I am at home with a sick princess today so I thought I would take the opportunity to catch you up on what has been going on… it’s been busy.

Kendyl started “real” food a few weeks ago. We tried green beans first and she took to them very quickly. No funny faces! We have moved onto peas and they weren’t quite as good but I’m not giving up that easy. Next stop – squash!

Miss Busy Body is too nosey to stay in her seat while shopping so I let her sit in the shopping cart at Target. She loved it! It also put her closer to me so she let all of Target know when she was ready for mommy to carry her. Sorry Target shoppers! This also moved us to high chairs. I am in the market for a nice wooden one but they are so hard to find. If you know where I can get one, I am open to suggestions!

Kendyl was baptized a week ago and I am SUPER proud of her. Thank you to everyone who helped celebrate this momentous occasion. We are blessed to have such a loving family. Kendyl must have known she was in the spotlight because she didn’t cry at all!

A little blurb about me…. I finished another semester at Clemson! Only one summer class and two semesters to go before graduation. Whoop Whoop!

Kendyl had her first exposure to college life and apparently really enjoyed herself. I took her to SMC’s Spring Fling where she watched a parade, danced to music, and flirted with the guys. As much as she enjoyed it at 6-months old, I can’t imagine her at 18 - I see trouble in our future!

Kendyl had her 6-month well baby visit. She is now 15 pounds and 26 inches. Unfortunately, she got sick 5 days later and is now running a temperature of 102.2. Yuck!

That should cover it! I am hoping to have more opportunities to blog since I am finished with classes… at least for the next three weeks, so stay tuned!