Thursday, April 16, 2009

New Toys and New Views

About a week ago, Emilie was telling me how she thinks Kendyl is sitting up better on her own because she has been practicing in the Bumbo seat. If you know Emilie, you can picture her telling me this in all seriousness, very adult-like, while nodding her head. She is such a big girl!

As always, it seems Em is right. Yesterday, Kevin was cutting the grass so Kendyl and I decided to try out some new toys. Not only did she enjoy her new things, but she sat up the whole time she played! This was a first for Kendyl so, of course, I had to capture it on video to share...

As I was typing this blog, Michelle sent a picture of Kendyl entitled 'Time for New Toys.' Crazy right? She had no idea but was thinking the same thing I was typing. Here is the picture of Kendyl playing with a fridge toy while in her walker at Aunt Shelley's...

Kendyl is definitely exploring her surroundings and now has a new view - from the seated position! The new toys are rolling in!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Happy Easter

Kendyl had a wonderful first Easter! On Saturday, Kevin and I met Paul, Lori, and Ally at the JLS Easter Bunny Breakfast. This was Kendyl's first time seeing the Easter Bunny but she did great! I didn't really like the way that Easter bunny was dressed (or not dressed) so while mommy and I were shopping in Columbia, we had another picture taken. Unfortunately, that bunny went a little crazy with the blush but Kendyl had a good time. These are her bunny pictures:

JLS Easter Bunny Breakfast
Columbia Bunny

Sunday started off with church where Kendyl squirmed and wiggled until she finally feel asleep (after her Daddy had to take her out twice for being a little loud). Then it was picture time with her Easter basket and off to Grandma and Papa's for lunch with the Mason clan. We met Nannie, Poppa, Aunt Shelley, Uncle Kevin, Emilie, Davis, Barrett, and the Owens for dinner at City Range which Kendyl slept through. Of course, Easter wouldn't be complete without Aunt Shelley's famous bunny cake! After dinner, we went back to Nannie and Poppa's for desert and Easter goodies!

Overall, it was a glorious weekend!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009


For the past few months, we have talked about how happy Kendyl always is. Her first smiles and each one since, just melt my heart. Now, we have moved onto giggles. Last weekend, I was taking Kendyl out of the car and she just started laughing at me (insert your reason why here). I immediately grabbed my camera and this is the result. Notice the bow clipped onto her seat - it wouldn't stay in!

(please ignore the constant movement but I was trying to keep her laughing)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Bows are Back in Town

Since the day I found out we were having a girl, my mind focused on two things: pink dresses and hair bows. The first two months were perfect. My little princess was dressed in pink and usually had a hair bow. Then her hair started to fall out (and mine too but that's a different blog for a different day) so no more bows. I will never forget the moment when I realized the bows were out....

We were in church and Kendyl was sitting on my lap. The service had not started so I was still getting situated. This included fixing Kendyl's hair bow. I got it in place only for it to slide right out. I wasn't giving up that easy so I kept trying. After several attempts, each ending with the bow on the floor, Kevin finally said, "Um , I don't think it's gonna stay." So just like that, the bows had to be put away.

Since then, I would periodically try a bow to no success.... that is, until Thursday. I decided to try the bow again in hopes that we might be able to wear one for Easter. This time, the bow stayed in!!! And not just while Kendyl lay quietly, it actually endured play time! Here's a peek....

and a little video too!
(Side note... I intended to just video Kendyl with her hair bow but realized I had captured a sweet conversation between Kevin and Kendyl. It’s too cute!)

Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Hunt has Begun!

It’s official. I need a new camera. I have a relativity new camera but I haven’t been happy with the quality of the pictures it takes (sorry mom and dad). The camera actually has GREAT reviews but I haven't seen the proof of them.

I discovered that even though the zoom claims to be a great feature, it actually stinks. If I zoom, the picture turns out very grainy. And the red-eye feature never works. Almost all of my pictures have a problem with red-eye. Recent events have just re-enforced the inevitable.

  • Last year at Emilie’s dance recital, all of my pictures were so dark, even with the flash, I could not keep any of them.
  • I took a group of students on a leadership retreat last weekend and I was the official photographer. Unfortunately, the pictures did not turn out so great but hopefully I captured a few of their favorite memories.
  • And let’s not forget Kendyl. I attempt to capture every moment of her life but I find myself having to edit almost every picture I take of her. The ‘noisy image fixer’ has become my new best friend.

So in an effort to improve the quality of Kendyl’s scrapbook, my hunt for a new camera has officially begun! Any suggestions?